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Số câu hỏi: 1

Thời gian làm bài: 30 phút 0 giây

Câu hỏi 1 (15 điểm):

Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence. (Dùng dạng đúng của từ được cho trong ngoặc để hoàn thành mỗi câu dưới đây.)
1. Global communication was changed by the of the Internet. (invent)
2. The paper is both and . (inform - entertain)
3. What makes this magazine so ? (popularize)
4. The program is fully . (interact)
5. Every year the contest attracts many millions of worldwide. (view)
6. We apologize for the caused to the passengers. (convenient)
7. Using the Internet in everyday life can be and time-. (cost - consume)
8. The scrawny little kitten looked so out  in the rain. (pity)
9. Have you had any to the advertisement yet? (respond)
10. The Internet is a very useful means of . (communicate)
11. I watch the news every day because it's very . (inform)
12. I enjoy the constant with students from other classes. (interact)
13. The of the magazine has declined since last year. (popular)
14. The newspaper is read by both teenagers. (wide)
15. There is an documentary on Channel 4 tonight. (interest)

Bảng word form
File word form 

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