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Số câu hỏi: 1

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Câu hỏi 1 (30 điểm):


Exercise 01. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D | Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D

1. Her literature result is much ................... than it was last year.

a. good b. well c. more well d. better

=> Answer:

2. Cinderrella danced ............... than any other girls at the ball.

a. more graceful b. gracefuler

c. gracefully d. more gracefully

=> Answer:

3. Chemistry is ................. than physics.

a. easy b. easily c. easier d. more easily

=> Answer:

4. Rabbits run.................. than tortoises.

a. fast b . fastly c. fastlier d. faster

=> Answer:

5. Nam is bad at art but Minh is even ..........................

a. badder b. bad c. worse d. worser

=> Answer:

6. Lan is her.................... sister.

a. old b. elderly c. elder d. oldly

=> Answer:

7. She can pronounce English words ............. than she could last term.

a. correctlier b . more correct c. more correctly d. correcter

=> Answer:

8. The country is .............. than the city.

a. quieter b . more quiet c. more quietly d. quietlier

=> Answer:

9. In this class , the students are talking ............... than the teacher.

a. loudly b. more loud c. loudlier d. louder.

=> Answer:

10. We shouldn’t be..................... on any subjects.

a. lazy b. lazier c. lazily d. lazilier

=> Answer:

11. I can learn a subject ............... if I like it and ............ if I don’t like it.

a. good/ bad b. better/ worse

c. better/ badlier d. gooder/worse

=> Answer:

12. She is the most ................. girl in our class.

a. intelligent b. intelligentest c. tall d. tallest

=> Answer:

13. That T-shirt is the ............... we have in stock.

a. big b.bigger c. small d. smallest

=> Answer:

14. I think Smatcafe is ............... than other kinds of coffee.

a. best b. better c. badder d. worst

=> Answer:

15. This hat is the .................. of all.

a. expensivest b. more expensive c. cheapest d. cheaper

=> Answer:

16. Of all the stories I have, this is the most .............. one.

a. better b. best c. interesting d. interestingest

=> Answer:

17. That is the most ................ bed in the shop.

a. wide b. widest c. comfortable d. comfortables

=> Answer:

18. The blue shirt is as ............... as the red one.

a. long b. longer c. more long d. longest

=> Answer:

19. Mai dances as ................. as Lan.

a. gracefully b. gracefuly c. graceful d. graceless

=> Answer:

20. This book is the ..................... of all

a. bored b.boring c. more boring d. most boring

=> Answer:

21. Mary speaks English very ......................

a. fluent b. fluently c. more fluently d. most fluently

=> Answer:

22. Tom runs faster than John and David runs the ............ in the group.

a. fast b. most fast c. fastest c. most fastly

=> Answer:

23. She has ........... books than I do.

a. least b. fewer c. more few d. fewest

=> Answer:

24. I work as ................. as you do.

a. hard b .hardly c. harder d. more hard

=> Answer:

25. She looks ........... than me.

a. thinner b. thin c. thinnest d. thinly

=> Answer:

26. He is one of the .............. men in the world.

a. rich b. richer c. richest d. more rich.

=> Answer:

27. A train is not so .............. as a bus.

a. quick b. quicker c. quickest d. more quick

=> Answer:

28. The economic conditions today are .............. they were in the past.

a. much more good b. much better than

c. much better d. the best than

=> Answer:

29. Peter is the ............. student in my class.

a. taller than b. so tall as c. the tallest d. tallest

=> Answer:

30. Jane is not .................her brother.

a. more intelligent as b. intelligent as

c. so intelligent as d. so intelligent that.

=> Answer:

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